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2022-2023 Master Syllabus

Aquinas College
(Insert the Name of Program, Department, or School)

Aquinas College Mission Statement
Aquinas College, an inclusive educational community in the Catholic Dominican tradition, provides a liberal arts education with a global perspective, emphasizes career preparation focused on leadership and service to others, and fosters a commitment to lifelong learning, dedicated to the pursuit of truth and the common good.

(Insert the Mission Statement of the Program, Department, or School)

Aquinas College Integrity Statement Aquinas College is rooted in the Dominican traditions of prayer, study, community and service, combined with a deep respect for truth, honesty and integrity. In this spirit, we strive to create an environment in which integrity is prized and practiced. We expect all community members to uphold these values through honesty, fairness, and respect for others.

Aquinas College Integrity Statement
Aquinas College is rooted in the Dominican traditions of prayer, study, community and service, combined with a deep respect for truth, honesty and integrity. In this spirit, we strive to create an environment in which integrity is prized and practiced. We expect all community members to uphold these values through honesty, fairness, and respect for others.

(Course number and name)
(Semester, Year)



Identifying Information

Home Number (optional):
Work Number:
Fax Number:
E-mail Address:
Office Hours:


Textbooks and Instructional Materials

Required Texts:

Supplemental Texts:


Course Description

(This should be the exact Academic Catalog description)


Learning Goals

A. Student Learning Outcomes

(List what your students will be able to know or do when successfully completing this course.)

B. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for Department Majors (As appropriate)

(List which, if any, department SLOs are addressed in this course.)

C. General Education Outcomes (For courses included in the General Education Plan)

(List which, if any, general education outcomes are addressed in this course. If possible, state whether the goal is for the SLO to be introduced, reinforced, or mastered. General Education SLOs can be found at their website)


Methodology and Essential Course Requirements

(Format of the class and instructor expectations/requirements)


Assessment Tools Used and Criteria for Evaluation and Grading

(Include attendance policy if appropriate and rubrics or criteria checklists used. Also include your grading policy, grading scale and the policy for incomplete grades if you choose to use them. Include information on how students will be notified if the grading scale or assessment tools are changed.

As appropriate, indicate which assessments align with the identified SLOs and general education outcomes listed above. This step will help you make sure student learning goals are measureable and how they will be measured.)


Support Services and Other Requirements

Center for Opportunities, Resources, and Excellence (CORE)
The Center for Opportunities, Resources, and Excellence (CORE) is committed to the persistence, performance, and graduation of every Aquinas student. We offer resources and services free of charge to all Aquinas College students. CORE assists students in achieving academic excellence, exploring cultural opportunities, and utilizing campus and community resources.

  • Peer Tutoring Services offers tutoring to all currently enrolled Aquinas students. Tutoring is available for a variety of classes, whether it is in study groups, drop-in tutoring, or one-on-one sessions. Questions may be sent to For more information visit the Peer Tutoring website.
  • The Writing Center is recommended at any stage of the writing process.  To access schedules and make appointments, please REGISTER at their website. Questions may be sent to For more information, visit the Writing Center website.

Accessibility Services Office
Aquinas College is committed to providing equal opportunity and access for participation in all programs, services and activities. Requests for accommodations by persons with disabilities may be made by contacting the Accessibility Services Office online at their website, or by emailing Once you have fully registered and requested accommodations, you may receive an official accommodation letter. Please present this letter to me at the start of the term and/or two weeks prior to the accommodation need (test, project, etc.) when possible so that the college can adequately plan for your accommodations and best meet your needs. Requests received after this timeframe will be honored whenever possible.

Academic Integrity
Written or other work that a student submits must be the product of her/his own efforts. Plagiarism, cheating and other forms of academic dishonesty, including dishonesty involving computer technology, are prohibited. Further information on plagiarism and academic dishonesty can be found under the following links:
Plagiarism Website
Student Integrity Website

Academic Policies: Please see:


Sexual Misconduct & Title IX

Aquinas College is committed to providing a safe educational environment that is free of all forms of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. If you (or someone you know) experiences any form of sexual misconduct, please know that you are not alone, and help is available.

All faculty members at Aquinas College are designated as Mandated Reporters, which means they have an obligation to report to the Title IX Coordinator if they become aware that a member of the Aquinas community has experienced sexual misconduct.

Following a report, the Title IX Coordinator will work to ensure the impacted individual is informed of and has access to:

  • campus and community resources,
  • expansive options for supportive measures,
  • protection from retaliation, &
  • the option to request action through the College.

For information, resources, or to submit a report visit or contact the Title IX Coordinator at or (616) 632-1030.


Other Services


ITS help


Tentative Calendar of Class Meetings

(Dates of class meetings, topics to be covered, and due dates for assignments. Include a statement regarding how students will be notified if there are changes to the calendar or assignments)


Resources/Reference List

(Available resources for student research including print, electronic and audio/visual materials)


Student-Athlete Absences for Travel & Games

1. Please review the guiding principles for faculty, coaches, and student-athletes regarding travel and games. 
2. Student-Athletes are encouraged to connect with the instructor regarding absences and missed class work before each missed class.


Registrar's Office
030 Hruby Hall
Monday-Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m
(616) 632-2871